Francis Macapagal

Francis Macapagal is a clinical nurse specialist on the Paediatric Advanced Care Team (PACT) at SickKids Hospital in Toronto. He cares for children and teens (and their families), living with serious illness.
How we help families set goals and make difficult decisions
How kids and teens react to sad news
How we help kids and teens talk about their worries
Answering both big and small questions about dying
What if I'm not there when my child dies?
Supporting teens
Follow the child's lead in tough conversations
Respecting my patient's privacy
Talking about how care needs change as a child gets older
We are "hopeful worriers"
Grieving with parents and families
We bring what we've learned from families to our work
I'm inspired by the people I care for
Covid has impacted patient's decisions around where they want to be cared for
Covid-19 restrictions have been tough on our patients and their families
We're a team that focuses on living
I keep my work very separate from our down-time
Having a closely knit team is important for our self-care